Is Your Private Well Water Safe To Drink?
Having your own well can seem like a dream. You get fresh, untainted water on tap straight from your land. But don’t take well water safety for granted. You need to be proactive to keep it free of contaminants.
Let’s find out how regularly testing and treating your private well water helps ensure it stays clean and your family stays healthy.
Why Test and Treat Well Water Routinely?
Private well water doesn’t undergo the same regulations and oversight as public water systems. The EPA monitors public water and limits contaminants, but private well owners independently manage their water quality.
You should test private well water for bacteria, chemicals, metals, radiation, and other contaminants yearly. This also prevents mineral buildup and corrosion that damages pipes.
What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Enough Water?
Safe, clean water provides great hydration. Even mild dehydration can drag down physical and mental performance. Drinking clean, contaminant free water provides numerous science backed health benefits such as:
- Maximizes physical performance – Just 1-2% fluid loss can significantly reduce energy and exercise capacity by altering body temperature regulation and increasing fatigue. Proper hydration prevents these effects.
- Promotes weight loss – Water increases feelings of fullness and slightly boosts metabolism, aiding weight management when substituted for sugary beverages.
- Boosts brain function – Mild dehydration of only 1-3% fluid loss can impair concentration, memory, and mood. It’s a common trigger for headaches. Maintaining good hydration keeps the mind sharp.
- Relieves constipation – Water softens stools and improves bowel regularity. Increased fluid intake is a commonly recommended treatment for constipation.
- Aids kidney stone treatment – More water dilutes mineral concentration in urine, making kidney stones less likely to form and recur.
- Reduces hangovers – Alcohol acts as a diuretic, but consuming water before and after drinking can lessen fluid loss and hangover severity.
So test and treat your private well water routinely to keep it contaminant free and optimize your family’s health through proper hydration.
What Are The Common Private Well Water Contaminants?
Water contaminants are substances that have entered and degraded the purity of water sources. Fertilizers, flooding, animal waste and industrial sources can introduce contaminants. Small amounts are usually harmless, but high levels pose health risks if consumed.
Private well water may contain bacteria and parasites from animal or human waste, causing stomach issues. Nitrates in fertilizer runoff can convert to toxic nitrites, significantly harming infants. Heavy metals like arsenic and lead are poisonous. Gas stations and factories can leak carcinogenic chemicals into groundwater too.
How To Maintain Safe Well Water?
Maintaining safe, well water is very important for your health. Along with annual tests, inspect your private well water periodically:
- Discoloured, smelly or odd-tasting water may indicate contamination.
- Consider a home test kit to check between lab tests.
- If flooding occurs, boil water for 1 minute before drinking.
- Wait 1-2 weeks after a flood to drink untreated well water.
You can also install water filters for extra protection. Refrigerator and faucet filters are easy to maintain, while whole house units require professional installation but treat all incoming water. Verify any filter removes contaminants affecting your well water. Combining testing, treatment, and filters is the best way to keep your private well water clean.
The Bottom Line:
Annual maintenance, contaminant testing, and supplementary filtration lets you safely enjoy your natural well water. Tap into this healthy resource with knowledge and proactive care. Consult a water specialist to customize a water safety plan. Make annual testing standard practice to stay ahead of any issues. Keeping your family hydrated with clean private well water is worth the diligence.