Can You Take Testosterone Boosters If You Have Thyroid?

The thyroid gland produces hormones that control your metabolism. When the thyroid is underactive, it does not make enough hormones, which results in slowing the metabolism. This is called hypothyroidism. When overactive, too many hormones speed metabolism up excessively. This is hyperthyroidism. The thyroid also signals the testes to produce testosterone. So those with thyroid issues often have imbalanced testosterone as well.
Let’s find out if those with thyroid disorders can safely take testosterone supplements or if the interaction between the two hormones makes this an unwise combination.
How Do Testosterone Boosters Work?
A testosterone booster is a natural supplement designed to raise testosterone levels. Testosterone boosters contain vitamins, minerals, and herbs that gently encourage the body to produce more testosterone. Boosters gently stimulate the body’s testosterone production using safe, natural ingredients.
Testosterone boosters help increase muscle mass and strength, improve fat burning and weight/body fat loss, provide more energy and stamina, enhance libido, and boost mood, motivation and confidence.
What Are the Common Thyroid Disorders?
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. When the thyroid is not functioning correctly, it can lead to various disorders such as:
Hypothyroidism results when the thyroid gland is underactive and does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This causes the metabolism to slow down. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, coldness, muscle weakness, dry skin and hair, and depression. Hypothyroidism is typically treated with synthetic thyroid hormone medication like levothyroxine to replace the missing hormones.
Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone. This speeds up metabolism too much. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include unexplained weight loss, rapid heart rate, sweating, anxiety or irritability, muscle weakness, and trouble sleeping. Hyperthyroidism can be treated with anti-thyroid medications, radioactive iodine, or thyroid surgery. The goal is to reduce thyroid hormone production.
The Relationship Between Thyroid and Testosterone
Thyroid hormones and testosterone levels are closely linked. The thyroid controls metabolism and heat generation, while testosterone increases heat generation.
Some key points regarding the thyroid-testosterone relationship are:
- The thyroid regulates testosterone – Thyroid hormones directly signal the testes to produce testosterone. Low thyroid activity means low testosterone.
- Hypothyroidism and low testosterone – Men with hypothyroidism almost always have low testosterone levels due to the impaired stimulation of the testes.
- Hyperthyroidism and high testosterone – Excess thyroid hormones overstimulate the testes and cause high testosterone.
- Estrogen connection – Excess thyroid hormone also increases the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. This contributes to high estrogen symptoms.
This means those with uncontrolled thyroid issues are likely to have abnormal testosterone levels. Intentionally altering testosterone could exacerbate the existing hormonal imbalances.
Is It Safe to Take Testosterone Boosters When You have Thyroid Problems?
Whether testosterone boosters are advised for those with thyroid issues depends on the specific circumstances:
For Hypothyroid Patients:
- Moderate testosterone boosting may be helpful if your thyroid hormone levels are stabilized with medication, and the doctor monitors testosterone levels.
For Hyperthyroid Patients:
- Testosterone boosters are typically not recommended for those with hyperthyroidism, as testosterone levels are often already high.
In some cases, normalizing testosterone with medical guidance can improve thyroid symptoms. However, using testosterone boosters haphazardly can certainly disrupt thyroid function further.
Anyone considering testosterone boosters and who has thyroid issues should proceed cautiously and work closely with a doctor. But there are some general precautions to take:
Start At Low Doses
When you are using testosterone boosters for the first time, you should start at lower doses than most recommendations. This helps prevent overly rapid spikes in hormones that can deregulate thyroid function. Moderate, consistent raising of testosterone allows the thyroid to adjust and ideally normalize your metabolism.
Avoid Overstimulating Ingredients
Certain herbal ingredients may directly stimulate your thyroid. These should be avoided. For example, ashwagandha has been shown to worsen hyperthyroidism. Those with overactive thyroids should avoid testosterone boosters containing ashwagandha. You should stick to more gentle boosting compounds like vitamin D, DHEA, and zinc while monitoring thyroid symptoms.
Monitor Your Symptoms
You should keep close track of symptoms like energy level, heart rate, mood changes, trouble sleeping, etc. Look for signs of excess testosterone, like agitation, anxiety, and sleep problems. You should discontinue testosterone boosters if such symptoms emerge and consult a doctor to get hormones rechecked.
Who Should Not Take Testosterone Boosters?
Those with the following conditions should generally avoid taking testosterone boosters, according to doctors:
- Uncontrolled or untreated hyperthyroidism
- Panic disorder, bipolar disorder, or anxiety disorders
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Sleep apnea
And anyone currently on hormone replacement therapy or medications that affect hormones should avoid altering testosterone without medical guidance.
The Takeaway: Moderate Boosting May Be Safe with Precautions
Those with thyroid issues must approach testosterone boosters cautiously since the two hormones are so intertwined.
However, moderate testosterone boosting paired with thyroid treatment may benefit some people under a doctor’s supervision. Those with hypothyroidism and accompanying low testosterone may benefit from a mild boost.
While testosterone boosting carries risks for those with thyroid disorders, a thoughtful and conservative approach can make it possible for some. Always put your health first and discontinue use if you develop any adverse symptoms.